I’ve Got You: Trusting God in the Face of Life’s Challenges

faith life spiritual freedom Sep 24, 2024

 Life’s difficulties can often leave us feeling trapped, anxious, and worried. But God invites us to trust Him fully, allowing His promises to replace our fears. As believers, we are called to live with unwavering faith, even when facing invisible battles that seem overwhelming. Let’s explore how we can deepen our trust in our Heavenly Father and experience a life free from fear.

The Challenge of Total Faith

One of the biggest challenges we face is that our greatest opposition is often unseen. As Ephesians 6:12 reminds us, we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. The root causes of anxiety, stress, fear, and doubt are more difficult to tackle because they reside within us.

On the surface, it seems that financial struggles require more money, relationship issues need better communication, and career problems demand new opportunities. But focusing on these external solutions often leaves us feeling as if we are constantly battling circumstances beyond our control. We become trapped in a mindset where our peace of mind fluctuates with every life change, giving control of our happiness to problems.

Finding Peace in God's Promises

God’s desire is for us to experience a carefree life—one where we are settled, safe, and secure in His love. He wants us to live with the assurance that He is aware of our needs, actively involved in our lives, and ever-watchful over us. This kind of peace doesn’t come from circumstances improving; it comes from trusting that God is always in control, no matter what happens.

A powerful example of this trust is found in the prayer of Jabez from 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. Despite the low expectations placed on him by others, Jabez made a bold request to God, asking for His blessing and protection. What is remarkable about this story is how God responded: He granted Jabez’s request, showing that He longs to bless His children.

Rewriting Our Beliefs About God

Jabez’s prayer also challenges us to rethink how we view God. Many of us struggle with feelings of unworthiness, believing we have to earn God’s love and favor. We strive to prove our value instead of receiving His love through surrender. But as Jabez shows, we don’t have to fight for God’s blessings. Instead, we can boldly ask for everything He has promised us.

Our beliefs act as the thermostat of our souls. If we believe we are unworthy, we will self-sabotage, suppressing prayers that align with God’s supernatural plans for our lives. We must shift our perspective and embrace the truth that we are heirs of God’s promises, not defined by the pain of our past.

God is not only capable of blessing us with increase; He delights in doing so. The key is aligning our hearts with His plan and promises. Jabez’s prayer for God to enlarge his territory was not about selfish desires but about partnering with God’s purpose. When we live with that kind of faith, we can dream big and trust that God will equip us for whatever He calls us to do.

The challenge for us is to stop letting our past define us and to allow God to transform our future. He wants to heal our self-image, provide for our needs, and increase our capacity to fulfill His plans. Will you trust Him to do both?

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, give me Your grace—Your divine empowerment, to become all You designed me to be. To live beyond the limitations of what people have spoken over me & the side effects of harmful things done to me. Increase my capacity to rise above the thermostat of my past perceptions and failures in life. Share Your Heavenly insight, so that I can grow even further than my own imagination. Heavenly Abba, increase my capacity to reach my full potential. Extend the borders of what I can accomplish in marriage, in my family legacy and in ministry. May Your hand be with me. Holy Spirit, lead me and let Your peace reign in my soul like an Umpire. Help me to be sensitive to Your whispers and promptings. Turn any possible disaster into blessing. Make all my past work together for the good! Keep me from the Evil one, deliver me from temptations and keep my life safe within Your holy ways. Help me to live a free, purpose driven and overcoming life, where I press towards the high call in Christ. Thank You for leading me in Your righteous paths to crush the distractions of the enemy and my flesh. Keep me from all harm, from dangers seen and unseen. In Jesus name, amen. 



  • What areas of your life are you still trying to control, and how can you surrender them to God's plan and trust His promises?

  • How has your past shaped your beliefs about yourself, and what steps can you take to see yourself through the lens of God's love and grace?

  • In what ways can you begin to pray with greater boldness, asking God to enlarge your territory and partner with His purpose for your life?